eQuip Richmond Workforce Evaluation
Richmond Community Foundation and Chevron
In partnership with the Richmond Community Foundation (RCF) and Chevron, RDA is currently evaluating eQuip Richmond, a $10 million economic revitalization initiative that leverages the resources of businesses, foundations, institutions, and individuals to counter the systemic challenges in the Richmond community to prepare Richmond residents for skilled, high-paying jobs; encourage small-business development; attract new businesses; and expand training opportunities and careers in green-growth industries.
RDA’s approach includes a retrospective evaluation to document program startup; a three-year process and outcome evaluation; technical assistance and training for programs to develop effective data collection and reporting practices, as well as the capacity to use data to inform program development; and reports to support ongoing program improvement and build awareness among community stakeholders. RDA’s Retrospective Analysis documented and assessed eQuip’s implementation to date. Data sources included project proposals, project monitoring reports, community needs indicators, and key informant interviews with initiative leadership to determine whether implementation is in fidelity to the original model, identify successes and challenges experienced thus far, and provide potential points for improvement moving forward. In addition to the Retrospective Analysis, RDA has worked with RCF and Chevron to design a thorough mixed-methods evaluation that not only measures outcomes for participants and the larger impact on the Richmond area, but also the process of implementation to inform future investments. Quantitative data will be collected from eQuip partners, and publicly-available data will be used to establish baselines and observe any measurable changes in economic or community health in Richmond. Qualitative data will be gathered from initiative and program leadership, program staff, and eQuip clients through focus groups, interviews, and online surveys.
Through the Retrospective Analysis, RDA developed a series of recommendations to inform eQuip implementation moving forward: 1) Strengthen collaboration with steering committee members to better leverage their expertise; 2) expand partnerships with established community-based organizations providing services complementary to eQuip’s goals and priorities; 3) support career and technical education; and 4) build project partner data capacity to support evaluation. In addition, RDA’s analysis of the mixed-methods evaluation data (in progress) will measure program outcomes and impacts on various indicators of community and economic development and to identify thematic findings related to facilitators, challenges, barriers, and gaps. Through analysis, we will develop a set of actionable recommendations to improve program participation, penetration, retention, and effectiveness.